Beldeport is the first port located 45 km to the east of Istanbul at the entrance of Izmit Bay right before the Izmit Gulf Crossing Bridge (Osmangazi Bridge). Beldeport consists of West Side Terminal and East Side Terminal which are located on both sides of Osmangazi Bridge.
Beldeport is strategically located in Türkiye’s most important and dynamic industrial and economic center, namely Marmara Region where 46% of Türkiye’s GDP, 47% of industrial production, 54% of exports are generated in this region.
Beldeport is in close proximity to leading industries and exporters of Türkiye, such as automotive, chemicals, textiles, iron & steel, machinery, consumer electronics, construction materials, etc.
Beldeport is in a very close proximity to all major highways such as TEM (Trans European Motorways), D-100, Osmangazi Bridge, Dilovasi Custom Authority and air cargo terminal.
Beldeport’s location before Osmangazi Bridge offers a shorter turnaround time for container vessels and the Port is free of underpass regulations of the Bridge for mega container vessels.